Notes from Sara Givens
Published 12:52 pm Friday, October 12, 2018
By Sara Givens
Mr. and Mrs. Oneith Fitzgerald and Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Welch have returned home after vacationing in Washington, D.C.
Ms. Barthenia Brown, Mrs. Sara Givens and Mrs. Elizabeth Turner attended “Grandparents Day” at Cincinnati Hills Academy where Nicholas Givens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Givens is in the third grade. Mrs. Anita Givens and Miss Deidre Martin joined them for lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gooch, Rev. Tony Gooch and Mrs. Anna Napier attended the funeral service of Mrs. Bessie Salter Brown of Dayton, Ohio. Bessie is the sister to her twin brother Jesse Salter and also Jimmy Ray Salter of Canton, Ohio.
Mr. James Edward Logan is a patient at Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center in Danville.
Miss Tonecia Penman, daughter of the late Ms. Wanda Penman, is a patient at UK Medical Center.
Let’s continue to pray for the sick and shut-ins.
Thought for the week: VOTE!