Lincoln Safe Communities purchases vest for jail K9
Published 10:56 am Friday, May 4, 2018
- Photo courtesy of Trish O'Quin Trish O'Quin, left, secretary treasurer for the Lincoln County Unite Safe Communities Coalition, presents Lincoln County Regional Jail Chief Deputy Robin Jones and his K9 partner Django with a stab-resistant vest.
Lincoln County Regional Jail’s Chief Deputy Robin Jones and his K9 partner Django were recently presented with a new, stab-resistant vest for the K9.
The vest, along with a first aid kit and lock box for seized narcotics, was purchased by the Lincoln County Unite Safe Communities Coalition and presented by Secretary Treasurer Trish O’Quin.
“Unite/Safe Communities Coalition was very excited to purchase this equipment for K9 Django,” O’Quin said. “We believe in arming those on the frontline of the drug crisis, including our K9 officers who are often overlooked.”
Jones and K9 Django regularly visit Lincoln County Schools to talk to students about the dangers of drugs. The pair also travels to surroundings counties as part of a K9 drug task force.