Ottenheim News: Sept. 7, 2017
Published 3:11 pm Saturday, September 9, 2017
By Dorothea Schlappi
Where were you when the total eclipse of the moon and sun occurred?
Now that it is over, I’m sure everyone will have a different memory. It began to get darkish, like evening arriving. My eyes began to ache even though I was in the house. It was as if evening was arriving, it did not get dark and the clouds covered everything, so the event was not seen from here. Hopkinsville was where it was a total eclipse. My grandson was raking hay. He said, “it was like a mist descending like the dew in the evening and his tractor tires got wet.” I checked outside, the birds and chickens were just as active as ever. So, I think God puts these things in place to show us someone is mightier than we are. Maybe in seven years we’ll be around to witness the eclipse again. God willing!
Our thoughts go out to the Ralph Horn family in the event of his passing. Ralph was a good man and liked by all. He was always ready to help someone in need.
A lot of people remember Don Young of Highland who passed away this past week. May his family know we are thinking of them at this time.
Cloe Bratcher, daughter of Danielle and Andy Bratcher, was baptized at St. Sylvester Church during the service on Sunday. It was a joyous occasion. A dinner was held afterwards in her honor.
Mike Link reported seeing a large black bear near his home here in Ottenheim last Monday morning. The bear was feasting on the fresh field corn nearby. We need to be on the watch and careful when we are out.
Let us remember the people in Texas who are suffering from the tropical storm that hit there last week. The people may recover but their lives will never be the same from that disaster.
The most of the tobacco crops have been or are harvested. Looks like some black shank began to appear in some fields. Tobacco harvesting is a long and very hard job to get done.
Be on the watch for wild animals when on the road traveling. A friend had a wild turkey fly into her windshield shattering it and damaging her eye in the process. The wild animals are so quick and appear without warning.
We have a new family coming to St. Sylvester Church. We welcome Ruby and Bob Horn who have moved into the area.
Jonathan Yoder of Chestnut Ridge broke his leg a few weeks ago in a logging accident. May he have a quick recovery.
Classie Goetz, our prayers are with you during your surgery. We are so glad you are okay and heal quickly.
The day dawned beautiful on Sunday, so we knew it was going to be a perfect day for a picnic at the old Lutheran Church building in Ottenheim. The community picnic was attended by almost one hundred people. Everyone was in a happy mood. The music by Just In Tyme was very lifting and the proceeds from the gathering and auction will be going to help with repairs and upkeep. Thanks to everyone who attended and helped in any way.
The field corn is now being harvested for cattle feed silage, later this fall the corn will ripen in the field to be picked for feed. Farm work is never done, it goes from one crop or job to another.
Word was received from Pastor Bentrup who resides in Lexington, so we know he must be okay.
He was a longtime minister in Ottenheim at the Lutheran Church.
As time passes, so do we, so let us use the time God gives us wisely.