Meet the Candidates: Lincoln County
Published 6:39 pm Thursday, May 12, 2022
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The Interior Journal sent a candidate survey to all candidates running for local office for this special section to introduce the candidates. The local primary election is May 17.
All candidates answered the same questions, which were limited by character counts in a google form. The questions are:
1. Please enter your name and tell us about your background (300 characters or less)
2. Why are you the best candidate for this office? (600 characters or less)
3. What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle? (300 characters or less)
4. How would you address this issue in your elected office? (600 characters or less)
Candidates had the option to submit a headshot for print. The Interior Journal sent this survey to candidates’ emails that were associated with their applications to run for office.
Not every candidate or office is listed in the section because we did not receive responses from every candidate. Responses we did not receive by press time are not included in this section. They may be added in this story page if we receive responses from any remaining candidates.
• J. Woods Adams III- Republican
LCHS alum and ‘02 UK graduate with B.A. in Finance/Marketing. Wife is Lezli Thomas Adams & we have 3 kids. Deacon at Moreland Christian Church. Employed by FS National Bank 2002-2018. Since ‘18 I’ve worked at Shelter Ins. and served Lincoln County through several civic organizations.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
Earning a degree in Finance & Marketing from the University of KY makes me well-equipped to work with and oversee a county budget. My 16 years of banking experience, 4 years of insurance experience, 13 years of farming experience, and 5 years of owning a small business with my wife (daycare) have all formed my knowledge and background in balancing budgets, networking, communicating effectively, and listening. Living and working in Lincoln County for the past 42 years, I understand my community and the people that make it up.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
As I travel the county campaigning, I hear these 3 main issues: a need to improve the condition of county roads, a need to lessen the amount of roadside litter, and the need to construct a new jail. I agree with all 3 issues. To me, the most pressing would be to improve the condition of county roads.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
Our county road employees do a great job patching and keeping our roads safe, but we now have an influx of one-time money thanks to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). I would like to use a portion of this money to resurface county roads that are in the worst shape and most traveled. We have to be careful with one-time money because some projects can come with recurring expenses that are not feasible to keep up year after year. However, road resurfacing is always a need and this will not bring any future burdens on the county.
• Scott Maples- Republican
I was born, raised and reside in Lincoln Co. I have 31 years serving our citizens in public service. I have served as a Stanford Council member, acting Stanford Mayor and have served on numerous boards and committees. I’m currently the Fire Chief for the City of Stanford.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
My years of experience in public service, my understanding of the political dynamics in Lincoln Co and the relationships I have formed with local and state leaders. My knowledge in creating and budget management, my knowledge and success in grant writing and my experience with staff management. Being from and working in Lincoln Co I have an understanding of the enormous potential Lincoln Co has to progress and be even better while sticking to our roots. As a public servant, I have gained the knowledge and experience to do just that.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
Our County Roads. The poor condition of our roads, the roadside trash and dumpsites and the poor condition of equipment at our county road department.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
Develop a written 5 year plan. This plan will include when roads will be paved, a plan on upgrading equipment at the road department and a plan on creating service centers in strategic locations within the county where citizens can dump trash and recyclables at certain times. Work with neighboring counties to study the possibility of building a regional jail. A new jail will bring back our inmate work program to help with the trash on our roadways and help with our service centers.
Magistrate district 1:
• Chris Hazlett- Republican
Lifelong Republican, lifelong Lincoln county resident. Self-employed (grippo chip man), son of Jack and Eva hazlett. Brothers are Billy Jack Hazlett and Shane Padgett.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I’m a firm believer in being a doer not a talker. Come election time you’ll hear a lot of talk but soon to find out no action is being done. I will listen to the people of not only district 1 but all Lincoln county and will work hard with the judge-executive elect and the other 3 magistrates to help make Lincoln county better.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
Taxes and budget money.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
With tough times we need to do everything in our power not to be raising taxes. You hear well “to get things done we need money in our budget and the easiest way to get money is raise taxes”. Well we need to roll our sleeves up and get to work getting grants, or any state or federal money provided for our county. Also we need to be working harder on getting jobs in Lincoln county. Little things help create more revenue and more taxes which helps our county without raising taxes!
• David Faulkner- Republican
Lifelong resident of Lincoln County. Married to Rita Sallee Faulkner for 56 years; 2 children/6 grandchildren/2 great granddaughters; 25 years with IBM; 2 years with Lexmark; 16 years as Lincoln County Magistrate, District 1; and 2 Terms on Lincoln County Board of Education.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
Local government experience. My two children, four grandchildren, and two great granddaughters all live in Lincoln County, District #1. I know and understand local government.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
Corrections Facility. In Lincoln County alone, we cannot afford to build a jail. During the next four years we must pursue and secure regional partnerships to build a multi-county correctional facility. The Kentucky legislature provided in excess of $20 million dollars for the construction of a natural gas line from Lincoln County’s Industrial Park to Rockcastle County’s Industrial Park. One stipulation of the funding is that Lincoln and Rockcastle partner to build a mega industrial complex. This is the perfect situation for a joint correctional project.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
Establish a non-partisan commission of Lincoln and Rockcastle business leaders, elected officials, and correctional professionals to develop a build plan.
Magistrate District 2:
• Andrew Withrow – Republican
My background was at IBM in Management, Human Resources and Purchasing.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I have 32 years of experience in a business environment. I am currently the Head golf coach at Lincoln County High School for the girls golf team. I work well with people and young people.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
Access to information. Monitoring expenses. Running as cost efficient as we can
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
I would update old existing data. I would like to put a procedure in place where all expenses would be monitored and anything over a certain dollar amount get higher approval. Monitor expenses and manage them down.
• Barry Keith Hopkins – Republican
I have lived in the area of District 2 for more than 40 years and I have been married for 31 years and have two adult daughters. I have owned my own business for 7 years. I am a graduate of Lincoln High School.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
As a business owner, I know what it is like to cut costs and maximize profits. I know how to manage money. I operate my business on a 20/80 plan. Every dollar I earn I save the first 20 cents for my family’s future and the remaining 80 cents is used to live on and pay bills. This is the same plan I would use as magistrate. Can you imagine if our county, state and federal government did this? We would be running surpluses and not deficits. With my business background I have better ideas at saving money. God knows we could use that in our government today.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
Trust is the biggest issue in every election. Can you be trusted with managing the peoples’ tax money? If no, then taxes are certain to increase. Under President Trump tax rates went down, but in Lincoln County they went up 29%. My 20/80 plan would bring trust back to the voters in district 2.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
When a budget is presented to me and it says we have a million dollars to spend I would say and think we have $800,000 because I would propose to save the first $200,000. This is for our children’s future and for the taxpayers who live on Edwards Road in my district. They haven’t had their ditches cleaned out in 6 elections. They have paid their taxes but for whatever reason services haven’t been rendered. I promise the first day I take office I will issue a work order to have their ditches cleaned out.
• Dan Gutenson – Republican
I’ve been a lifelong resident of Lincoln County, serving as pastor of Watts Chapel Baptist Church for 33 years. Married to Shelia for 39 years; we have 2 children and 2 grandchildren. I am a graduate of LCHS, LTI, and Clear Creek Bible College. Actively involved in the community.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I offer proven leadership and involvement in our county: Little League sports, Variance Committee of the P&Z, Distribution of the Commodity Program. A person who works well with others. Experienced with the budget process at Watts Chapel and personal finances. One who has a servant’s heart with a history of servanthood. A visionary of what can be and the drive to make it happen.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
We live in a poor county. The most pressing issue for the Fiscal Court will be revenue, it affects our ability to provide the services that we need to provide to our county: Roads, EMS, Law Enforcement, Jail, Animal control, Internet, Infrastructure.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
There are basically 4 ways to deal with the issue of revenue or the lack thereof. 1: Grants from the state, I want to go after whatever would be available, I would go to the grant writing seminars to learn to write grants that would give us the best chance to secure these grants. 2: New Industry, I want to work with others to secure the infrastructure that would make us competitive for new industry, factories, etc. 3: Trim the Budget, take some time to see if there is a way we can do some things more economically. 4: Raise taxes, only as a last resort.
• Terry Pettit – Republican
I’m a lifelong resident of the district #2. Been married to my wife Wanda for 42 years, we have two sons Greg and Kevin Pettit and 5 grandchildren. I’ve been a carpenter and cattle tobacco farmer all my life.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I’m retired and would make magistrate my full time job. I know the district very well and a lot of the needs in the district, with my farming and carpentry background I know about budgeting and working with people.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
The terrible shape of our roads and trash and illegal dumping on our county roads.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
Currently the county doesn’t have their own mechanic to repair equipment used in road maintenance. I would like to see the county hire their own mechanic instead of sending the repairs out to a local repair shop at the rate of $85 dollars an hour. The county can hire a mechanic cheaper than that and the equipment would be back in service quicker. I would like to see the equipment put on a replacement schedule; that way it keeps reliable equipment. On trash and illegal dumping, I’d like to have different collection points for trash and large items placed.
• Zachary New – Republican
I was raised in Broughtentown/Crab Orchard. I received my network management and computer pro certification at Somerset Community College. I’m married and have two children. I have worked on a dairy farm, at our public library, and a mapping company. I now own my own contracting company.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I am willing to work as many hours as needed to meet the demands of this position. As the youngest candidate, I will bring a fresh perspective to Fiscal Court. Many of the people I have talked to while campaigning have said it is important to see the next generation stepping up and getting involved. I will work to bring the use of technology to the county for both efficiency and transparency. Before I filed for this position, I started researching and looking especially at the budget. I am a good listener and have already gained a great deal of knowledge about the concerns of the citizens.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
Revenue for the county budget. This impacts our ability to pave roads, clear roads of snow and ice, match funding for federal grants, and fund other projects for our communities. Our kids are moving off and we are losing population. We need to find an effective way to retain and grow our population.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
Job creation is one of the primary ways to increase the revenue for the county and our quality of life. Although it is not the direct role of government to create jobs, we can help create an environment where job creation is encouraged. We need to request the Lincoln County Economic Development Authority be on the agenda to report to the Fiscal Court at least four times a year. We need to review and change any regulations of P&Z that discourages business development in our cities and rural areas. We have had good results in economic development lately, and Fiscal Court needs to play their part.
Magistrate District 3:
• Kevin G. Carrier – Democrat
I was born and raised in Lincoln County. My wife of 16 yrs is Sarah (Denny) Carrier. We have a 15 yr old son, Caleb. I’ve worked the last 25 years for Norfolk Southern RR as a locomotive engineer. Before that I had worked in various factories, grocery stores and on a few farms.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I am more than willing to devote the time necessary to focus on the needs of our county and serve my district faithfully. I feel that my willingness to listen to the concerns of the community and work with the other magistrates, along with the judge-executive, would be beneficial to moving our county forward. My youth would help bring a new perspective to both the problems and solutions that we face. I have been attending the fiscal court meetings for the last 6-8 months to get a better grasp of our county’s projects and financial state.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
Our county’s infrastructure and the lack of promoting our county for both new businesses and tourism.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
Work with the judge-executive to try to secure funds for improvement of highways and high-speed internet in the county. We should try to bring in new businesses in the manufacturing and hospitality industry, such as restaurants and lodging to help promote tourism in Lincoln County.
• Shelby Lakes – Democrat
I am a Lincoln County native, a US Army Veteran, retired state trooper, retired Lincoln County sheriff and a past EKU student and employee.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
As Lincoln County sheriff, I have experience in preparing budgets for the office, and reviewing and approving budgets of the various county offices is an important function of the fiscal court, which is made up of the magistrates and judge executive. Sheriff duties also include attending fiscal court meetings, and this made me familiar with many other functions of that body.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
I believe there are multiple important issues that need to be addressed. One is to find ways to reduce the great expense of housing Lincoln County prisoners in out-of-county jails.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
I would work with the other members of the fiscal court to find ways to reduce these costs so some of these funds could be spent in other needed areas, such as cleaning up and improving county roads.
Magistrate District 4:
• Bob Jeffries – Republican
I’ve lived in Lincoln Co. for over 50 yrs. Married 43 yrs to Andrea Napier Jeffries. Master License in HVAC and Electrical. Retired HVAC Tech for Lincoln Co Schools, Christian, Deacon, Sun School teacher.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I have a Degree in Business From Lindsey Wilson University. I have been self employed and worked in the public at Ephraim McDowell, and Haggin Hospitals. This exposure to public and private work gives me a unique perspective others may not have been privy to. Finally, I am now totally retired so I can give the job all the time it requires.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
The county is ready for a change in leadership. A new Judge Executive, Sheriff, Jailer, Circuit Clerk are about to be on board.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
With your help, we will add a mostly new fiscal court to that list. Hopefully, together we can bring about the changes the people hope for.
• Joe Stanley – Republican
I have lived in the 4th district all my life. I am a farmer; I’ve had a dairy for 31 years and now raise crops.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I’m running for re-election because I feel like we have taken Lincoln County in the right direction.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
Paying down debt, getting new business in Lincoln County, we are working to build our revenue base through new jobs, and not raising taxes.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
If you can see your way to support me another term, I will be thankful; I have experience and will continue to do the best I can.
• Stephanie Newton – Republican
I am a lifelong Lincoln Countian. I have been in public service for approximately 15 years. I worked as an EMT in McKinney, Crab Orchard, and the Hustonville – Moreland area from 2005 to 2010. I worked at the jail for 8 1/2 years earning the rank of Captain, then Lt Colonel.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I have worked every position in the jail from kitchen officer to director. I have an amazing amount of working knowledge about the jail, jail operations, legalities of jailing, budget writing and management. Our jail is currently closed which costs our taxpayers close to a million dollars a year for jail operations; most of which is going to a neighboring county. We lost our work programs like recycle, courthouse workers, mowing crews, and trash pick up. These positions are now filled by tax dollars for wages, again at taxpayers’ expense.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
The most pressing issue is not having a jail. Not having a jail has put an additional burden on the county’s budget in many different ways. One way is requiring a transport officer to get arrestees to Pulaski jail.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
Getting our inmate work programs going again would be a priority. Working with Judge Booth and County Attorney Daryl Day to put as many eligible workers back in our recycle centers, trash pickup crews, and mowing. Working with the Fiscal Court to cut housing costs and medical costs as much as possible and pressuring our Fiscal Court for a new jail. Also keeping up transports for the Sheriff’s department is vital to keep our officers ready for emergencies. I hope to have your vote in the upcoming election and look forward to the opportunity to serve Lincoln County once again.
• Griffin Harness- Republican
Lifelong LC resident. Graduate of Lincoln County High School. Volunteer firefighter for 17 years. I have worked at three fire stations throughout the county. I have given back to the community since 2016 as a deputy. I currently reside in Waynesburg and am a District Chief.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I have given my heart to Lincoln County and want to see our county improve in every way possible. By working in law enforcement and seeing the struggles our county jail has gone through I feel I have the mindset to make the changes and recommendations for our county. I have the heart and drive to see Lincoln County succeed as the new jailer of the county I love.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
For the office of the Lincoln County Jailer, I feel the pressing issue is finding a purpose.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
I intend to use every resource possible to bring revenue back to Lincoln County through the Jailer’s office.
• Robert Oney – Republican
As a husband, father, grandfather and deacon, I currently serve as Detective for the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department. My training with the FBI has enhanced my ability to work narcotics. I have also worked murders, burglaries, sexual assaults, cyber crimes, and much more.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
With Sheriff Folger retiring, he has tasked me with running a majority of the duties that pertain to the Sheriff’s Department, including but not limited to the budget, hiring & firing, citizen complaints, personnel issues, court security and payroll along with my detective duties. This has given me the knowledge to efficiently operate the Sheriff’s Department. If elected Sheriff, there would be no transitional downtime. I have the dedication, experience and ambition to be your Sheriff. I will work hard for the citizens of Lincoln County.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
I believe narcotics and the problems arising from narcotic use is one of the biggest issues in Lincoln County and the country in general. We have seen a rise in thefts, overdoses and overdose deaths. All this leads to other issues such as domestic violence and child abuse.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
K9 Sgt. Michael Mullins and myself have partnered with the Isaiah House to create the Fresh Start program. This program is for those individuals that are seeking freedom from addiction. My deputies and I will attack this drug epidemic head on, and we will not back down. We will use new technology, such as an overdose mapping system, and we will work with other agencies in efforts to gain knowledge of suspected drug dealers that are bringing those drugs into our county. We will bring more drug dogs to the department, this will help in the detection of narcotics with street interdiction.
• Chase Marcum – Republican
I’m the son of Farris and Evonna Marcum. I am a lifelong Lincoln Countian. Graduate of Lincoln County High School, attended Campbellsville University, received a degree in criminal justice. I am a 11 year Law Enforcement Veteran; all years have been served in Lincoln County.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
Anyone who knows me knows I love being in Law Enforcement and I love Lincoln County. I have a vision and very obtainable goals for the Sheriff’s Office that will only benefit the citizens’ safety and well being. In my career I have done a little of everything from investigations, patrol, K9 handler, and special operations. As a former Deputy Sheriff and current Patrolman for Stanford PD there isn’t a situation that will occur that I’m not prepared for. With the knowledge I have of the profession and love I have for my home, selecting me as the next Sheriff is a perfect fit.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
I think one of the biggest issues the Sheriff’s Office is faced with is manpower. In a society where it’s hard to find workers in general, it’s even harder to find Law Enforcement Officers. The citizens of this county deserve the best service and protection possible.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
Recruitment and retention is key in getting and keeping good officers. It’ll take developing a good working relationship with the fiscal court to help provide the funds and equipment necessary. But it also will take other avenues such as grants. Researching and applying for any grant possible to provide any and everything from cruisers, weapons, training, and grants to even help pay salaries. This is one of many issues but to me it’s the most important as it is a direct impact of the citizens we serve.
• Shawn Hines – Republican
I am a 1992 graduate of LCHS and continued my education at SCC and EKU. I had a law enforcement career that spanned over 22 years. The last 10 of those years were spent in leadership positions.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I am the candidate with the most law enforcement experience and the only candidate that has held a command position. Many years ago when the thought of being Sheriff came to mind I began preparing myself. I began the promotional process in 2008 and climbed through the ranks within the State Police until my retirement in 2018. I took advantage of every leadership training and opportunity that was available. I achieved the highest rank afforded to me and oversaw a $13 million budget, and at one time had over 300 Officers and civilian employees under my command.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
Budget constraints. Without an operable budget the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office will never be able to be fully effective and efficient. A limited amount of funds that are provided from the Fiscal Court and increased expenses such as the ridiculous rise in gas prices are affecting many agencies.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
The current budget for the Sheriff’s Office is a little less than $900,000. My first budget that I present to the Fiscal Court will be for a $250,000 increase. This will allow to set a salary for a Chief Deputy, two detectives, and seven deputies. The current budget is for eight deputies. This will allow for road deputies to respond to calls more effectively, thefts to be investigated aggressively, and extensive drug investigations. We will seek out every grant opportunity and encourage community involvement in their Sheriff’s Office.
Circuit Court Clerk:
• Angelia Doolin – Democrat
Married to Jamie Doolin. I have two children Hannah & Jacob Napier and two bonus daughters Brooke & Kristin Doolin. I have lived in Lincoln Co. for over 25 years. I have worked at the Circuit Clerk’s office for over 24 years, 11 of which I was Chief Deputy.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I believe that I am the best candidate for this office due to my experience. While I agree that you have to pass a test to be able to run for this job, that alone does not make you the most qualified person. The qualifications you get from doing this job does not just come from a manual. It comes from hands-on experience. It comes from working at this office for over 24 years. Those are qualities that I possess unlike my opponent. I have dedicated over half of my life to this job and I would appreciate your vote and support on November 8.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
Low voter turnout.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
Even though my office does not handle voter issues, I believe as a candidate seeking an elected office, it is your duty and responsibility to inform the voters of polling information and locations. Only 17.1% of registered Lincoln Co. voters voted in 2018. Participating in elections is one of the many freedoms we have as Americans. Also as a woman, the 19th amendment gave us the freedom to vote, and I was proud to register to vote when I turned 18. Registering to vote is a responsibility that we need to encourage our children, grandchildren and every eligible citizen to do.
• Dwight Hopkins – Republican
I live in Waynesburg with my wife of 27 years Kimberly, and our 11 year old daughter Marlie Frances. A lifelong resident of Lincoln County, I am a graduate of Lincoln County High School, and Eastern Kentucky University where I earned a B.A. in Economics. Currently Chairman of the Lincoln County Republican Party.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I have a great desire to serve the people of Lincoln County. I believe that the current state of political and civic affairs calls for a public servant who believes in the rule of law, particularly in the court system. In order to carry out the laws governing this office, the clerk must first have respect for the law. The Circuit Court Clerk must be a person who will serve with the highest moral, ethical, and professional dedication. I have great respect for the rule of law and the civil rights our constitution guarantees us as Americans. But these rights must be protected and defended today more than ever, especially in the legal system of the courts.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
I think the most pressing issue Lincoln Countians face politically and in civic affairs is to respect the authority of the rule of law in the court systems, while ensuring that the rights and interests of all voters and citizens are served by elected public officials dedicated to free and fair elections.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
If elected, I will address this problem first by being an advocate for the local justice system as Clerk, not only during office hours but everywhere, and all the time. A good advocate for the local justice system isn’t something you do, it is something you are. I will assist judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, and others to better serve ALL Lincoln Countians, regardless of their politics. Although many see this office as merely an administrative one, I believe that is not less incentive, but more incentive to elect the right person who will render personal service, respect, and courtesy to taxpayers.
• David Gambrel – Democrat
My wife Kelly, son John and I live in Waynesburg. I am a graduate of LCHS and EKU. I am the former Editor of the Lincoln Ledger, Lincoln County Post and Interior Journal. I am an Eagle Scout. I was elected PVA in 1998 and have served as a pastor since 1993.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I have kept the promises I made to the people of Lincoln County when I first sought this office. I have demonstrated that I can do the job. And I have tried to honor the trust placed in me by treating every citizen with fairness, dignity and respect. In my time as PVA the office has made leaps and bounds in the implementation of the latest technology to make the office more efficient. I am a proven public servant in many different areas. In addition to PVA and pastor I have served as a Boy Scout leader and worked hard to highlight and preserve the rich heritage of our county.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
As it relates to the PVA office, the record boom in the real estate market is a tremendous challenge. That is why my experience is needed.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
I will continue to strive to make the office more efficient. Recently after several years of careful financial planning I was able to purchase 360 degree high resolution imagery that will enable not only the PVA office to better serve you, but enhance safety by making this available to our county’s emergency personnel. I have also this year switched to more efficient tax roll software with the goal of valuing property as fair and equitable as possible. As I have demonstrated in the past I am always willing to listen and respond to the concerns of the people of Lincoln County.
Constable District 4:
• Waylon Pendleton – Republican
I’m asking for your support and vote for the 2022 election in Lincoln County. I am running for the position of Constable 4th District. I have training in law enforcement and dealing with people. I am not a politician, I am for community and justice!
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
As we all know, law enforcement can get stagnant at times or even non-existent in our community needs. As constable I will be proactive in our district and county. If you call I will answer. I will be an extra hand that law enforcement needs in Lincoln County. I will bridge the gap between citizens and law enforcement for Lincoln County.
What do you think is the most pressing issue affecting us in this election cycle?
This election is important due to many new positions being filled. Usually these positions are filled for a while once candidates are elected. Be very particular in your votes, you may have these next electives in office for a while.
How would you address this issue in your elected office?
To put it simply, I will be proactive. My phone number and contacts will be public. I will do the work needed to keep our communities safe and protected.