Semi overturns on U.S. 27; highway shut down
Published 7:23 pm Wednesday, January 2, 2019
- Photo by Lincoln County Emergency Management KSP TROOPERS, Lincoln County Sheriff's Office officers and others look over some of the spilled cargo of the tractor-trailer that overturned near Highland Elementary School Wednesday.
By Nancy Leedy
The Interior Journal
HIGHLAND — An overturned tractor-trailer on U.S. 27 caused a road closure for several hours Wednesday afternoon.

Photo by Lincoln County
Emergency Management
ROAD DEBRIS. Steel coils litter the roadway after a semi overturned on U.S. 27 in Highland Wednesday. The road was blocked for four hours with the overturned semi blocking all three lanes.
According to Lincoln County Emergency Management Deputy Director Trish O’Quin, the semi jackknifed before overturning near Tick Ridge Road.
“The semi carrying steel coils, weighing around 4,000-lbs. each, on a flatbed truck was traveling southbound on U.S. 27 when he got too close to the side of the road and lost control of his truck on the soft shoulder,” she said. “It jackknifed and, as he tried to swerve, he overturned and lost his load, blocking all three lanes.”
O’Quin said the truck driver was shaken up a bit and was taken to the hospital to be checked out but that he got out of the truck by his own power.
The call went out on the wreck at around 12:30 p.m. and the road was cleared around 4:30 p.m.
Lincoln County Emergency Management worked the scene along with the Kentucky State Police, the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, Lincoln County Fire Departments No. 1, No. 5 and No. 8 and the state highway department.