Lincoln County Schools: Overview of state assessment results
Published 12:48 pm Thursday, October 4, 2018
Lincoln County Schools Press Release
Due to both state and federal regulation, the Kentucky Department of Education is phasing out the previous accountability system and replacing it with a new one starting the 2018-19 school year. Due to this transition, the data released does not contain overall accountability scores or rankings.
For the 2017-2018 school year, accountability determinations apply to schools only and include schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (the lowest performing 5% of Title I and non-Title I schools) and Targeted Support and Improvement (Title I and non-Title I schools with at least one student group performing as poorly as schools in the bottom 5%). All remaining schools are identified as “other.”
“As we review state assessment results there are numerous reasons to celebrate.,” Lincoln County Schools Superintendent Michael Rowe said. “We have seen growth in several areas. Of course, with all state assessment results there are also areas of concern.”
An accountability determination breakdown for each school in Lincoln County follows:
• Crab Orchard Elementary School – Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI)
• Highland Elementary School – Other
• Hustonville Elementary School – Other
• McKinney Elementary School – Other
• Stanford Elementary School – Other
• Waynesburg Elementary School – Comprehensive Support & Improvement (CSI)
• Lincoln County Middle School – Targeted Support & Improvement
• Lincoln County High School – Other
What Does This Mean for Crab Orchard Elementary School, Lincoln County Middle School and Waynesburg Elementary School?
Crab Orchard Elementary School and Lincoln County Middle School Crab Orchard Elementary School and Lincoln County Middle School will receive targeted support from the district and some help from the state. Schools are labeled as TSI for having a significant achievement gap between one or more student subgroups and their peers. The state considered subgroups based on race and ethnicity, as well as students with special needs, from low-income households and those still learning English.
Being identified as TSI will allow both schools to focus on raising achievement for groups of students who have been underserved and may have previously been hidden by overall school achievement data.
Waynesburg Elementary School Being labeled a CSI school means a significant shift must be undertaken to better address student learning. Changes will require all staff at Waynesburg Elementary School to step out of their comfort zone and grow professionally.
As a result of the low scores, decision making for Waynesburg will be shifted from the school’s site-based council composed of staff and parents to the superintendent. Both the school and district will be audited, and state staff will work in the buildings.