Lincoln County District Court News

Published 11:30 am Thursday, September 20, 2018

Cases heard in Lincoln District Court. List includes names of those charged who are not identified as minors.


Brian K. Shelton, third-degree criminal trespassing, $50 fine and costs.

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Jonathan T. Allen, first-degree possession controlled substance, meth, third offense amended to attempted, 12 months probated two years and complete rehab; possession drug paraphernalia, 12 months probated two years; public intoxication controlled substance and possession of marijuana, dismissed with leave.

Jason Carman, theft by unlawful taking between $500 and $10,000 amended to theft by unlawful taking, 12 months.

Patrick G. Garr, possession drug paraphernalia, 21 days; carrying a concealed deadly weapon, 21 days, concurrent; receiving stolen property, firearm, amended to attempted, dismissed.

Christopher Morgan Lester, operate motor vehicle under influence alcohol/drugs, second offense amended to DUI, first offense, $200 fine, $375 fee, costs, counseling, 30 days license suspension and seven days to serve.


David Foster, third-degree criminal trespassing, $25 fine and costs; first-degree criminal trespass, $25 fine and costs; third-degree criminal mischief, 30 days probated two years with no offenses.

Dillon Lynch, theft by unlawful taking less than $500, 40 days, to serve 10 days, remaining time probated two years.

Shyann L. Morgan, rear license not illuminated, dismissed with leave; operating on suspended operator’s license, $100 fine, costs and 30 days probated two years; possession drug paraphernalia, $100 fine, 30 days probated two years with no offenses.

Joshua W. Taylor, theft by unlawful taking less than $500, 40 days, to serve 10 days, remaining time probated two years.

Robert L. Devine, theft by unlawful taking less than $500, 40 days, to serve 10 days, remaining time probated two years; third-degree criminal trespassing, merged.

Dee Ann Boyd, unauthorized parking in a handicapped zone, dismissed with leave; failure to maintain insurance, $1,000 fine, $900 probated and costs.

Billy R. Durham, possession of marijuana, dismissed; possession drug paraphernalia, 30 days; third-degree possession controlled substance, drug unspecified, 30 days, concurrent.

Tony C. Estes, operate motor vehicle under influence alcohol/drugs, $375 fee, four days jail, counseling and 30 days license suspension.

Eddie L. Hawley, operating on suspended operator’s license amended to no operator’s license in suspension, $25 fine and costs.

Michael D. Patterson, rear license not illuminated, dismissed with leave; careless driving, dismissed with leave; operate motor vehicle under influence of alcohol/drugs, second offense amended to DUI, first offense, $200 fine, $375 fee, counseling, 30 days license suspension.

Lora L. Pennington, operate motor vehicle under influence alcohol/drugs, second offense, $350 fine, $375 fee, counseling 12 months suspension of license and plates, seven days jail, credit for two days; second-degree possession controlled substance, drug unspecified, dismissed with leave.

David Sam, speeding 10 mph over limit, dismissed with leave; possession drug paraphernalia, $100 fine; no operator’s license amended to no operator’s license in possession, $25 fine and costs.

Kristina K. True, failure to maintain insurance, 90 days probated and $15,863.73 restitution.

Justin B. Young, Jr., theft by unlawful taking less than $500, $100 fine, 40 days, to serve 10 days, remaining time probated two years and $105.76 restitution.


Jeff Denson, giving officer false identify information, 15 days.

Floyd H. Neeley, theft by unlawful taking less than $500, $200 fine, 40 days, to serve 10 days, remaining time probated two years; giving officer false identifying information, 10 days.

Malora Marie Armentrout, expired registration plates, $25 fine and costs.

Jeffrey Bryan Boyd, Jr., no registration receipt, merged; no registration plates, $25 fine and costs; instructional permit violations, $75 fine.

Reed Stuart Cash, failure to wear seat belts, $25 fine; expired registration plates, $25 fine and costs; expired registration receipt and no insurance card, dismissed.

George Gooch, failure to wear seat belts, $25 fine; expired registration plates and receipt, improper display of registration plates and no insurance charges, all dismissed.

Melissa Hicks, possession of marijuana, $100 fine and costs.

James Michael McCullough, theft by unlawful taking less than $500, $500 fine and 10 days probated two years on condition of no further offenses.

Jeffery D. Rogers, inadequate silencer, dismissed; second-degree disorderly conduct, $50 fine and costs.

Daniel S. Spears, failure to wear seat belts, $25 fine; expired registration plates, expired registration receipt and no insurance card, all dismissed.