Published 11:57 am Thursday, August 9, 2018
By Shelby Lakes
Brother David Conrades began a new series of messages that will be taken from the book of Revelation and is timely for us as a church in this time in history, Brother David said.
The return of the Lord is imminent, and we need to be about the Lord’s work, he said. This is a good time to contemplate what kind of church we are, and what kind we want to be.
We will look at the seven churches in Revelation and study their strengths and weaknesses.
Brother David read Revelation 1:4-7, and discussed some aspects of the letter, the book of Revelation.
The seven churches discussed were real churches, and they were in present day Turkey. Jesus was speaking to the churches through John. It is not addressed directly to us, but speaks to us, Brother David said.
In the verses (4-7), John wants us to know who these words come from. The purpose of the book is to reveal Jesus Christ, Brother David said. If your beliefs about Jesus are wrong, everything else will be wrong.
The declaration of the letter is that Jesus is coming back, and it will be known by everyone. So, there will be no denying it. And it will be too late for nonbelievers, then.
Revelation 1:7: “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.”
The ones that will wail (weep) are the ones who don’t know Christ, Brother David said.