Reeds complete AgBiz Planner Class

Published 9:00 am Thursday, December 21, 2017

Central Kentucky Ag Credit recently recognized Casey and Kylie Reed of Lincoln County, for successful completion of the 2017 AgBiz Planner Class.

AgBiz Planner is a ten module e-Learning course that includes two face-to- face meetings with Dr. Steve Isaacs, University of Kentucky Ag Economics Professor. The AgBiz Planner course helps farmers and those living a rural lifestyle to create a successful business plan and strengthen communication with their lender.

Casey and Kylie Reed are members of the Central Kentucky Ag Credit Young Farmer Advisory Council. This group was established in 2013 and consists of young farmers representing all counties and commodities in central Kentucky. The council meets a few times a year to learn more about the business side of agriculture, some topics include: record keeping, business planning and generational transfer issues.

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Recently, the council has been working to create the ideal program for young, beginning and small farmers in the Bluegrass. This new program is called Central Kentucky AgStart and focuses on education, mentorship, a resource base and financial services. The educational piece of this program is the AgBiz Planner class.

Central Kentucky Ag Credit President and CEO, Jim Caldwell said, “In today’s ag environment, young and beginning farmers need a solid understanding of the financial side of the business. Our AgStart program is designed to help develop these essential skills.”

Congratulations, Casey and Kylie on completing the AgBiz Planner class! If you would like more information on the AgBiz Planner contact Central Kentucky Ag Credit at 859-253- 3249 or