Lincoln County: where the giving never stops
Published 7:25 am Thursday, December 29, 2016
If you read last week’s paper you heard about a local school, church and grocery store coming together to make the holiday better for 19 families – that’s 19 families in Lincoln County that won’t go hungry over the holidays.
The holidays can be the hardest time of the year for some people and there is nothing more endearing to see than local businesses, organizations and individuals coming together to help those in need.
It’s something that I see every week in Lincoln County as a reporter and it is relieving to know that even if I can’t help everyone in this county, there will always be someone there offering a hand of support.
In my short time as editor, I have witnessed so many situations in which this county came together for a good cause, whether it’s raising money for a family to pay medical bills or for a family to afford funeral costs, the businesses, churches and people in this community make it happen.
I have seen the faces of those accepting help, the almost-instant relief can be seen as their shoulders relax and their faces soften.
I have listened to local, recovering addicts stand before their community and wear their sins on their chest for everyone to see with the hope that others will learn from their mistakes.
Reporting in a community with so many strong, compassionate people has made me a better person and has showed me that even the smallest act of kindness can mean the world to someone.
I want to wish everyone a happy new year as we all say goodbye to what has been a very interesting year. Despite the ongoing anxiety that national headlines tend to cause me – and I’m sure many of you – this county and community gives me hope for the future and for that I am very grateful.