News from Highland United Methodist Church: Nov. 10, 2016
Published 7:52 pm Friday, November 11, 2016
• Highland ladies are collecting “emergency” clothing thru December for Highland Elementary School K-1st graders. New boys and girls undergarments and used or new sweat pants and socks.
• Next church women’s meetings are November 14 at 11:30 Coleman’s Drug Store and December 12 at noon Christmas potluck (salad or dessert) at home of Carrie McKenzie.
• Operation Christmas Child is underway. Shoe boxes are due back before November 18 and volunteers are needed at the shoebox collection center. Contact Becky Scholtz (859) 319-3416.
• Our church is teaming up with Stanford Lions Club for their annual winter concert to feed the hungry in Lincoln County. Bring canned goods to our church or attend concert December 1 at Grace Fellowship Church. Admission is canned items.
• Advent study for children and adults Wednesday nights 6:30-7:30 beginning November 30 through December 21. The last night will include program by children. Everyone invited!
• Plans underway for updated church directory. Contact information is needed from all members and others who want to keep in touch with our church happenings. Contact Bro. Mike McLean (703) 577-6678 for a contact card to be mailed to you.
Additional prayer concerns: Betty Jo Singleton, the Paul Bailey family (husband of Linda Gourley Bailey of Cincinnati), and we pray that all newly elected officials honor and glorify our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Prayer of thanksgiving: Bridgette reported that Betty Jo is walking, with assistance, to the dining room.
Rebecca Garcia introduced 2-week old Adrian James Garcia to his church family.
All Saints Day was observed by tolling of the church bell for each Saint who has passed in the last year: Aileen Burton, Dart Davis, James Dye, Rev. Gary McCluskey, Rev. Richard Smith, Brenda West, Martin Wethington, Phyllis Young, and Margaret Davis.Dawn Cheetham blessed us with the song “One Day at a Time.”
Bro. Mike McLean’s sermon was entitled “In Christ: We Are Saved.” Reference scripture Acts 4:5-12. “There is salvation in no one else. God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved” (v 12). As long as we abide and honor God, our salvation cannot be taken away from us. God chooses us. He chooses to give us free will. We can choose to follow Him or we can choose to give away our salvation (which is highly discouraged.) We will never be good enough to deserve God’s love. He already knows the good and bad in us every day. It is not our job to be good enough, because IN CHRIST we are chosen, we are secure, and we are saved even though we do not deserve it. Salvation, simply put, is a close and personal relationship with Christ.
In closing, Joanne McLean played the guitar and led the congregation in singing “Amazing Love.” A very spirit-moving song. Join us at the little white church on the side of the road. Sunday School at 10 a.m. and worship service at 11 a.m. Enjoy our fellowship meal every Sunday after church.