Much on the line in presidential election
Published 7:27 pm Friday, November 11, 2016
Dear Editor,
Thirty million Christians did not vote in the last presidential election. If only a fraction of those had voted, no doubt there would have been a different outcome.
We are not voting for character, but for someone who can be trusted to protect America and make it strong and respected again.
We will also be voting for the supreme court – three or four judges will be appointed some time after the election, who will be in office for the next 30 years or longer.
This should cause us to be very, very concerned. As you know, the supreme court has already proven that it can make laws against the constitution and against the people’s will. Many of our freedoms that we may have taken for granted could be taken away from us if we fail to vote for biblical values.
The freedom to worship God openly, the freedom of speech, the freedom to own guns, the freedom to run your own business according to your conscience and many other freedoms that we have enjoyed since this country became a nation, could be eventually swiped away by liberal judges.
This country was founded on Bible principals by people who loved and fought for it with their lives.
Be alarmed, take action and vote to save our beloved free America from certain sorrow and destruction that can be brought on by social in the near future.
If you don’t know what socialism means, think of communism. Check out countries that are living under it’s crushing hand.
Shirley Wilson