Sara’s Notes

By Sara Givens

The Marie B Shields – S. G. Redd Institute will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 29 at Bethel Baptist Church in Danville. Rev. Ronnie McCowan will be the host pastor. Rev. Tommy Calhoun is the South District moderator.
Rev. Ralph Smith and congregation of St. James AME Church, Danville, will be the guest at Bethel AME Church, Boneyville, on Sunday, Nov. 6 at 3 p.m. on behalf of the birthday celebration of members of the church. Rev. Reginald Pullums is the pastor.
Let’s continue to pay for the sick and shut-ins and also Parys Walker, daughter of Mr. Phillip Walker. She has to go to a hand specialist after having damage to her fingers. Her grandmother, Mrs. Jacci Walker says that she is in good spirits.
Mrs. Christine McClellan of Louisville visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee Gooch.
Congratulations to Renata Patton Blevins and Mr. David Blevins on their marriage. They were married on Saturday in Harrodsburg.
Mr. Eugene Jones got to see several of his family on Saturday – Mr. James Simpson and family, Mr. Walter Simpson and family, Mrs. Lena Johnson and family and Mrs. Lovester Wilkinson and family. Mrs. Virginia Arnett was not able to come. Mr. Jones’ children, Betty, Larry and “Billy” have always loved their dad. They take special care of him in every sense of the word after all he will be 93 years old in November.
Mrs. Louise King is a patient at the Jewish Hospital in Louisville. She is the mother of DeAndrea King-Givens and mother-in-law of Mr. Eric Givens.
Have a safe Halloween!!
Thought for the week: Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:1.



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