Published 12:08 pm Thursday, September 6, 2018

By Scena Ann Petrey

Cherie Martin spoke on Sunday, Sept. 2 about Disaster Relief. She had just returned from Pennsylvania where she worked on the flooding situation. She has been with Disaster Relief for 22 years, and this past summer she went to Ukraine for several days. She told about how God performed miracles while on the trip.

“Who Is Worthy?”, which was taken from Revelation. 5:1-7, was the topic for Bro. Kyle’s message. Everyone wants to look put together – to look attractive. God’s strength shines out of us because we have His Treasure (Jesus) inside shining out for all to see! We gain strength through our weakness by depending on God.

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One example of this is Gideon. He was a leader, a deliverer, and a judge. He led his people in battles to conquer enemies. He was a very unlikely leader – a weak and limited man who gave excuses to God for what he was asked to do. “God equips the called,” stated Bro. Kyle. God chose a very unlikely person and used him to His glory. Finally Gideon came to the place to accept his job. While Gideon raised an army of 32,000 men, God whittled the army down to 300 men. Thus, God’s glory could shine through the situation.

Paul was the second example in Bro. Kyle’s sermon. Paul had many gifts from God – a missionary and a church planter. But God gave Paul a limitation so he would depend on God’s strength – a thorn in his side.

Jesus was the third example. In Revelation there was a scroll that no one could open. Finally one asked who is worthy to open the scroll. Finally a slaughtered lamb was chosen; the lamb had seven horns, which represent strength, and seven eyes, which represent all seeing and all knowing. Jesus became a man to die on the cross. Through His weakness, He saved the world.

In our weaknesses we are made strong in God. We should embrace our weaknesses and limitations; we should not doubt that God can use us in spite of these. We should admit our own inability to save ourselves.

Following the morning message, Travis and Mary May moved their church membership. Also joining their family were Cora, Sadie, Anna, and Caleb. We welcome you into our church family.

A welcome luncheon will be held Sunday, Sept. 9 following the a.m. worship service for new members and anyone interested in joining our church.
Dates to remember: Sept. 8 – Senior adult trip to Derby Dinner Theater; Sept. 12 – Glow returns; Sept. 17 – WOW rally at Watts Chapel; Sept. 29 – Doug Anderson concert at Lincoln County High School at 6 p.m.

Thought for the week: “Living without God means dying without hope.”