Published 1:43 pm Friday, July 20, 2018

By Scena Ann Petrey

“How to Make Peace” was the topic of Sunday, July 15 message with the text from Romans 12:16-21. Bro. Kyle said to begin his message, “Without forgiveness you don’t have Christianity. Forgiveness stands at the center of our culture.”

There are six things we need to know and understand about God’s forgiveness. The first is you need to know God’s forgiveness of our sins is conditional, while God’s love is unconditional. Sadly, not everyone is going to be forgiven for his/her sins. We have to accept and receive His perfect sacrifice – Jesus. We repent of our sins and receive Him. We have to do two things to meet God’s conditions: have faith in Jesus and repent of our sins!

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The second is you need to know we are commanded to forgive other people as God has forgiven us. Holding onto bitterness, wrath, and anger grieves and quenches the Holy Spirit. Resentment rots us from the inside out.

The third is you need to know that forgiveness happens inside us first. The Lord’s Prayer teaches us when we pray we have to forgive others in our hearts. Forgiveness is an act of the will – a decision of the heart to release that person.

The fourth is you need to know that forgiveness moves outside us. Jesus teaches us that if a person comes to us and asks for forgiveness, we should extend that forgiveness (7 x 7?). Thus, we can begin to work on a reconciled relationship.

The fifth is you need to know forgiveness and reconciliation go hand in hand. God forgives us of our sins and reconciles with us at the same time.

The sixth and final is you need to know the basis of forgiveness is God’s justice. God will make sure that every sin will be punished; He is the avenger of wrongs.

The youth and youth leaders were very saddened to learn of Dylan Snow’s tragic passing in a vehicle accident in Somerset last week. He attended the youth group at PVBC every Wednesday evening. Remember his family in prayer.

Dates to remember: July 19 – Youth Cumberland Lake trip; July 29-Aug. 1 – Youth Summer Camp; Friday, Aug. 3 – day trip to William Whitley House with a picnic; Sept. 8 – Senior adult trip to Derby Dinner Theater.

Thought for the week: “The world needs more warm hearts and fewer hot heads!”