Leftover issues to be discussed during interim
Published 2:36 am Friday, May 12, 2017
- Girdler
Rick Girlder
State Sentator
Over a month has passed since the conclusion of the 2017 Session of the Kentucky General Assembly but my work as your senator has not slowed. Between answering your well thought-out letters and phone calls, I have been visiting with constituents in our district and listening to your concerns and preparing to discuss many of those topics during the Interim.
The 2017 Interim begins on June 1. Many of the issues left unaddressed at the end of this session will be discussed during the upcoming Interim, which is a time designated for a more in-depth look at policy matters. Committees called “Interim Joint Committees” are standing committees that meet when the regular session is adjourned. According to the Legislative Research Commission (LRC), there are two types of Interim committees:
1. Interim joint committees are formed from the standing committees of both houses. For instance, the Education Committee of the Senate and the Education Committee of the House become the Interim Joint Committee on Education after the regular session.
2. Special committees, appointed by the LRC and function primarily during the Interim, usually study a specific topic. Examples include the Tobacco Task Force and the Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs.
All committees during the Interim are open to the public and the press and both are encouraged to attend. These committees have the power to draft and prefile bills, discuss policy issues within their committee subject, and forward policy recommendations to the General Assembly and the LRC. For a list of interim committees and more information on them, please visit http://www.lrc.ky.gov/committee/interim.htm.
Besides being a time for legislative updates and meetings, this is also an exciting time for our high school seniors. I want to congratulate the Class of 2017 and wish all of you the best in your future endeavors, whether that be a career, technical school, college, or another path. If you have questions about planning for college or a career path, I encourage you to visit the Kentucky Education and Workforce Development Cabinet’s website at educationcabinet.ky.gov or visit the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority’s (KHEAA) website at www.kheaa.com.
If you have any questions or comments about the issues or any other public policy issue, please call me toll-free at 1-800-372-7181 or you can email me at Rick.Girdler@LRC.ky.gov. You can also review the Legislature’s work online at www.lrc.ky.gov.
Senator Rick Girdler (R-Somerset) represents the 15th District including Boyle, Lincoln, and Pulaski counties. He serves as a member of the Appropriations and Revenue Committee; the Banking and Insurance Committee; the Economic Development, Tourism and Labor Committee; the Budget Review Subcommittee on Economic Development and Tourism, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection; and the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee. For a high-resolution .jpeg of Senator Girdler, please visit http://www.lrc.ky.gov/pubinfo/portraits/senate15.jpg.